How to find and use your voice

A silhouetted person opening their arms and expressing themselves to a small audience at sunset

In this article, we’re going to think about how you can find your own unique voice, and explore some ways that you might want to use it.

The Way You Speak to Yourself Matters

two hands making a heart shape in from of a sunset

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The words we use to talk to ourselves can have a huge impact on how we think, feel and behave. This article will help you explore your own self talk and where to start if you wanted to change it.

Struggling in Silence

A calm sea view

Everyone is dealing with their own set of individual circumstances, so there might be many reasons why sharing what’s going on might not feel that straightforward.

We spoke to a group of people who chatted to us about their own feelings on why staying silent feels easier sometimes.

Dementia: grieving for the living

A sunny horizon with swallows flying overhead

This article aims to explore the effects of dementia on family members and loved ones and how you can support yourself, too, while in a caring role.

Growing Around Your Grief

Growing around your grief video thumbnail

This article explores ways we can grow around our grief through a practical activity. It could help you look at how your life can grow around your experience of grief over time. All you need is a pen and a piece of paper.

Making a Memory Box

Make a memory box video thumbnail

Remembering those who have died can feel really important. Making a memory box can be a useful way to keep those memories in one place.

Bottling Up Emotions

Bottling up your emotions video thumbnail

Letting out our feelings bit by bit like this can help us to feel more in control and can prevent them from exploding all at once, which let’s be honest, can make us feel even worse.

Set Aside Some Grief Time

Set aside time to grieve video thumbnail

Setting aside some time for grieving can help you feel more in control and less overwhelmed by your feelings.